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Military Health System Might Get a Review After Hagel Haggles

Washington – Experts may have to look at the military health system of the United States after Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel asks for it.

In his request, he said that there should be a 90-day review of all the whereabouts of the military health department. This will cover anything related to the treatment of those who are serving for the nation. The review will also include the families and relatives who are dependent on the military personnel.

This is an effort that could once and for all settle the allegations in military health system. The investigation will go a long way because there are different sectors touched in this issue, as well. There are 9.6 million people depending on it.

How Will the Reviews Go for Pentagon

Military Health System Might Get a Review After Hagel HagglesThe request from Chuck Hagel was addressed to the Pentagon. They have agreed with it and they are already planning to work on it. Jonathan Woodson was already assigned to lead the investigation in the military health system. He is currently the assistant secretary of defense so he might have the resources to conduct everything that is needed.

The review will not stop when Woodson sends in the report. Right after the 90-day review, they will be sending in Chuck Hagel again for a deeper analysis. From there, he will be setting up actions to make things better for the system.

Assessment of the Different Sectors in the Health System

The military health system is not that simple. It is made up of several departments, as well. This means that this whole review will really take so much effort.

Hagel was wise enough to exclude the veteran’s affairs in this program. However, there is still so much work to do. They will be asking from different families on how the program went. They will also be working with the suppliers of the medicines. Hospitals and health practitioners will not be spared in the review, as well.

Meanwhile, Veteran Affairs will also have their own review, as there are a lot of problems in this department, too. There will be a hearing that will tackle the delays in the system. This is an issue that they have fought for so long now.

This could be the chance for the military health system to get things right. About 10 million people are dependent on this so they should do the best they can to come up with a solution. Do you think it will materialize?

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